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The Faces Behind Better Banking: Glenn Lewis

We want you to get to know our staff – the friendly people behind our motto of #BetterBanking… So, we are introducing you to the ‘Faces Behind Better Banking’ series.

Starting with our Relationship Manager – Platinum, Glenn Lewis! This self proclaimed Frog King / past Pageant royalty / burger loving / heavy weight lifting / family man is a much loved face around the office and many police stations across Adelaide.

Q: Name? 
A: Glenn Lewis

Q: Nickname?
A: Lewy

Q: Describe your family
A: I live with my wife and two daughters – one is in primary school and one is in high school.

Q: Pets?
A: 1 green tree frog, 5 magnificent tree frogs, 1 red eyed tree frog, 2 green and golden bell frogs, 13 angle head dragons, 3 Eastern water dragons, some fish and a cat!

Q: What is your secret hidden talent?
A: I can memorise a map and get to a destination I haven’t been to before without needing GPS.

Q: How long have you been with Police Credit Union?
A: Since I was 17! So, 17 years!

Q: How do you have your coffee?
A: I like a plain latte, although I won’t say no to a dash of hazelnut!

Q: What do you consider to be the best product / service offered by Police Credit Union?
A: The car loans! Great rates and no penalties for paying them off early!

Q: Describe your role with Police Credit Union
A: As a Relationship Manager, I assist our Platinum Members (police, nurses and health care professionals) to meet their financial goals and aspirations. I am able to help with loans, transactions, budgeting and more.

Q: What’s your best memory at Police Credit Union?
A: Meeting my best mate Darius “DJ” Jones (he works in the People & Culture team)! We have had many adventures together including canoe trips, heading to Melbourne and Bali and, our latest adventure, me becoming an “uncle” to his baby daughter.

Q: Where do you want to travel next?
A: Raja Ampat in West Papua New Guinea. I am actually going there later this year on a 10 day sailing/scuba trip!

Q: Favourite quote?
A: Never ask a starfish for directions.

Q: Your best recipe or meal you are famous for cooking?
A: I made a good lasagne once. About 10 years ago…

Q: What is your next big purchase?
A: I think our TV is about to blow… it keeps turning off and on by itself. So probably a new TV!

Q: Any hobbies or passion projects?
A: It isn’t a secret that I love frogs and reptiles (which probably explains the answer to the question about pets), I also enjoy scuba diving with my dad, as well as watching and playing basketball.

Q: Have you had other roles within Police Credit Union? Have you completed any training/study while you have been with Police Credit Union?
A: I have worked in several roles during my time with Police Credit Union, including in Records Management, the Contact Centre and Lending. I have undertaken several courses in my time at Police Credit Union and have even completed a Diploma of Management.

Q: Describe your team / the people you work with?
A: I’m a bit of a lone wolf as I am normally out visiting police stations etc. but, I often call upon some other Relationship Managers and Branch Managers for some assistance. Some of my go to pals are Steve “The Organiser” Oats, Scott Dawson who is always full of energy thanks to the copious amounts of energy drinks he consumes and Linda Ginever who lives for customer service.

Q: What is one funny / surprising fact you have learned about one of your team members?
A: Fiona from our Contact Centre can fold her top lip inside out, let it go and it stays there. It’s a must see!

Q: Any parting comments?…
A: Police Credit Union is a great place to work. I look forward to coming to work each day to see my colleagues and also the Members I have developed long standing relationships with.

Now that you know Glenn a bit better, if you want to chat to him more about our Platinum offer, you can email him [email protected] or call him on 0421 243 741.