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The Faces Behind Better Banking 50th Birthday Edition: Karen Stark

Turning 50 is no small feat, and reaching such a milestone involves the contribution of many people. So enjoy this special edition of the Faces Behind Better Banking as we bring you a look at some of our amazing and dedicated staff who have grown with the organisation and helped it become what it is today!

If you live on the beautiful Limestone Coast, you may recognise this friendly face… Karen Stark has worked in our Mount Gambier branch for over 18 years now, and we just love her! She is a dedicated part of the team which has managed to snag our Branch of the Year award for the past three years now.

Find out more about Karen in our Q&A with her below…

Q: What has led you to being a long-standing staff member for the Credit Union?

A: I actually started with Softwoods Credit Union in Mount Gambier in 2002. Eventually they merged with Police Credit Union as both organisations had similar goals and values. I’ve had lots of great experiences over my 17 years, watching the membership grow, all while forming some amazing relationships with our Members.

Q: What words would you use to describe Police Credit Union?

A: Competitive rates, journey, helpful, above and beyond… We offer some of the most competitive products on the market and always strive to assist our Members through their financial journey, beginning to end.

Q: What do you think of the Credit Union’s story?

A: Considering the Credit Union was started by police officers for police officers, it’s amazing how it has grown… actually, it is quite incredible. With seven branches, six in SA and one in the NT, a vast and talented workforce and a hunger to keep offering the best products and service, it will be so interesting to see where we are in another 50 years.

Q: What are your fondest or funniest memories of Police Credit Union?

A: One of the funniest memories I have is of a male staffer who started in his role with short hair but grew it to his shoulders as a bet. One day, one of our older Members came into the branch wearing a long haired wig. We had such a laugh!

Q: What are your thoughts for Police Credit Union’s future?

A; I believe that we will always have the face-to-face element as part of our service. It’s who we have always been and what our Members love about us, particularly in the country areas.

Q: If someone asked you why they should become a Member of Police Credit Union, what would you say?

A: I would say come see me! I love nothing more than to help someone compare our products and services and what we can offer. Our great competitive products make it so easy!

Q: If someone asked you why they should work for Police Credit Union, what would you say?

A: Police Credit Union is a great place to work! The organisations’ principals and ethics line up similarly with those of the staff and also what our Members expect from us. We definitely put our Members first and work in a happy and dedicated environment which makes coming to work each day an absolute pleasure. Any enthusiastic and goals-driven person wishing to pursue a career in finance should definitely consider joining our team as we aim to provide a customer experience second to none.

Karen is more than just a friendly smile! She also makes a mean dessert, used to compete in calisthenics and has a passion for viticulture.

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